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Order Deadline (extended!):
Tuesday Nov 5, 2024 @ 8pm
Order Pickup:
Wednesday Nov 20, 2024
6:30 - 8:30pm
@ Magee Rotunda by main entrance

Our music programs have out of town retreats, festivals and tours planned for the coming years that our students are fundraising for.
You can direct 20% of the proceeds from your Holiday Plant purchase to an individual student's Music Travel Credit Account to support these travels. Just make sure to include the student's name in your order!
PLEASE NOTE: We are using an amazing platform called Zeffy. It is free for us to use as a non-profit organization. All of your payment will go to MMS; nothing is taken to cover credit card processing fees. In return, any support you can direct towards Zeffy is appreciated, but please know that it is OPTIONAL. IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE ZEFFY PLATFORM, IN YOUR CHECKOUT STEP, SELECT "OTHER" AND THEN ENTER "$0.00".